Digital and Technology sector strength and growth in Manchester
Manchester is famous across the world for its history of technology innovation – but this is not a city which sits on its laurels and looks backwards. This rich history is informing the story of a 21st century city which is looking to redefine the world once again. Manchester’s booming technology sector is the clearest example of this.
A new report from the Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (GMLEP) demonstrates how Manchester is the tech capital of the UK and has become a hotbed for ‘unicorns’ – start ups valued at more than £1bn – with no fewer than five calling the city home.
It is no mean feat to have companies like The Hut Group, and AutoTrader headquartered in the city, and it leads to the question of what makes Manchester such an appealing home for these companies.
The GMLEP report focuses in on several connected factors which make Manchester the perfect breeding ground for technology companies. A rich foundation of tech talent provided by the city’s world-class universities is cited as a major factor, as is an encouraging entrepreneurial climate and a huge volume of public and private inward investment improving infrastructure and lifestyle.
The 12 Clusters of Tech report from February 2021 also highlights how Manchester’s technology culture is not just broad, but also promotes specialisation by providing highly targeted, sector-specific support.
It is to Manchester’s great credit that the city-region is the largest creative, digital and technology hub outside of London. More than 19,000 businesses are active in Manchester’s technology sector, from start ups to global brands including Amazon, Google and It is easy to see why Tech Nation named Manchester as the fastest-growing tech city in Europe by Tech Nation.
Lou Cordwell, Chair of the Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership, underlined the city’s success, saying: “Greater Manchester’s rich history of digital innovation has provided the perfect platform for today’s tech and eCommerce success stories, attracting talent and investment and creating thousands of jobs.
“The Greater Manchester Economic Vision includes plans to further harness the opportunity that digital provides to deliver economic recovery and growth locally and on behalf of UK plc.
“Supporting training, skills and innovation within emerging sectors of the digital economy will ensure that everyone can share the benefits that digital innovation can bring, while helping the UK achieve its ambitions for international trade.”
All of this continues to be a huge draw for highly trained young professional workers, including those who graduate from the local universities as well as those moving to the city from elsewhere. Being a technology hub has given Manchester a vibrant and exciting vibe which is helping to make our city one of the most prominent in Europe and a presence on the global stage.
Manchester is set to be the UK’s outstanding success story of the future, making this the perfect time to get involved in the city’s story and invest in property. Contact our team today for more information about our available investment properties in the city >>
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